Monday, August 30, 2010


I fell in love and I thought I will never be happier then this...I got married and thought I will never be happier then this....I got pregnant and had my beautiful baby boy and each day he does something new or just simply looks at me and smiles and I now know there is so much happiness to come and that I will never want for more love then my family gives me. My husband is my perfect fit I couldn't ask for a more loving man. We have big plans for our life and I know together we will live us to our expectations for our selves. Everyday I am thank God for blessing me with my family. God Is Good.....All The Time!

Friday, July 30, 2010


No No don't get me wrong I am happy in my Life, my Marriage, my Family, my Friends, and my Job. The one thing that I am not happy with is ME. I want to love the way I look again. I have never been a girly kind of girl nor a stylish woman. I want that to change I want to loose weight, get the hair style I want, have nice nails, and get a nice wardrobe. I am lucky to know people that I consider stylish and look at as beautiful women. I will be calling upon these women to help me when the time comes to go shopping and tell me the TRUTH when it comes to buying things I need.
Now days I feel flip flops, blue jeans...the only pair I have I can still fit in..and a shirt that hides my stomach is what I need to get by and if you haven't noticed my husband always looks nice..I always feel under dressed when we go places together. I still have things in my closet I had when I was in high school or fresh out of high school. I hate shopping and when I do go shopping I will not venture out of my comfort zone. So I am going to set some goals for myself (weight wise) and when I meet my goal it will be time to turn myself over to the lovely ladies I look up to and want to dress like. I will have the money I plan to spend and I will be at there mercy. Just be gentle ladies and don't take no for an answer fashion me up!! It will be nice to feel like a lady.

Money Not My Happy Place

Alright I don't do this. I don't talk about finances with people, friends, or family (Except my Husband). I don't do it because I am ashamed of what we do or do not have but because I don't want people to fill bad for me or want to fix my problem. I want to fix it! If I let people bail me out every time something goes wrong I will never learn and never fix my problem. Having Porter has made me open my eyes a little wider and think about him growing up and how I want him to be able to look at the way we live and the way we handle finances and want fallow our lead. I want to be able to buy him a car when he needs it for his first job and not have to barrow money for it. I want to build my dream house on our multi acre land and be able to pay for most of it up front. I have started listening to auto books while working and the first book I just finished is Dave Ramsey The Total Money Makeover. 
 I feel 100% better already about the process we are about to embark on. I know that if we stick to the plan I have drawn up we will be debt free (except for our home) in about a YEAR AND A HALF. I want to get more people I know into this plan so that we will not be alone in our success to LOSE OUR DEBT. I get more and more confident in this program the more I look at the 2 spread sheets I have made. Now all I need to do is get Damon as excited as I am. It is hard to think that we will have to give up alot for now.. no eating out.. no buying gadgets we don't need but if we do it just for a little while we will be there be for you know it and will be stress free to top it all off. O to not have to worry about bills because you are living a month behind if not 2 so you are pre paying things not worrying if it got paid or slipped your mind. Tomarrow I am staring my next Dave Ramsey book Financial Peace University. I am excited to start it and hope I learn even more to apply to our finances. 

Damon and I are still working with our mortgage company to get some things straight and it is not said weather we are going to loose our house or not yet. We haven't caught up from when we were both out of work but hope to get things back in order and back on track if our mortgage company doesn't go through with the foreclosure like they said they were going to. I know we will be ok no matter what but I know after this foreclosure stuff is over I will feel a lot better.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Magazines and Web Sites Don't have anything on My fav Blogger!

I know it has been a while but I am still here. I wanted to write and tell you about my favorite blog. Since I will soon be a new mom I have done all the normal searches and tried to find the best web sites, books,  and blogs that will keep me informed on what to expect and  how to handle things I don't know I need to be prepared for. I have found that one place I can always go to get any info I might need, or if I just need a good laugh. If you are a mom or if you will soon be a mom go check her out and follow her blog I am always entertained and informed reading her page. Let me know what you think!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Nursery Decorating

Well I have been looking over all the many choices for Nursery ideas for Boys rooms and I have found the perfect one. When we moved in the our house the extra bedroom was painted NEON PINK and NEON GREEN.. so it had to go. That was my project I picked out a dark brown and a light blue and a light tan for accents. I worked really hard on that room and I love the colors so I am sticking with them. I have one wall I left the light blue I am going to make that the accent wall. Not sure what I am going to put on it but maybe paint a few of the designs from the comforter and a puppy. I was going to have a puppy theme for the room but could not fine the right set on line so I changed my mind. Here are a few pictures of the Nursery Decor I picked out...Oooh one more thing E-bay is the BEST I found this set of 9 pieces for $49.99 everywhere else online it was $149.99.

This is the 9 piece set!
I registered for this as Walmart and and going to be using it as a dresser and Changing table.

 I also registered for these too. The Crib is a 4 in 1 I have had many moms tell me this is the way to go.
  I found this light on E-bay also I think it will as a UNIQUE touch to the babies room. The babies room is also the guest bed room and I have found a Converter set that matches the nursery stuff I am just debating on weather to leave the extra bed it there or take it out and store it. I guess I will just wait and see how much room I have in the room after I get all the other stuff in there. 
 Picking out all the nursery stuff has been so much fun. I try to keep from continuing to look because I will change my mind again. 

Now we can concentrate on Baby Names now... Damon has started choosing a few and I have started a list also so hopefully soon I will be back to write about the wonderfully Unique name we have picked out. 


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby BOY Reeher

Monday January 4,2010 was the day we found out we were having a Baby Boy!! I am still in amazement that there is even a baby growing in my belly but seeing it on the screen and seeing it move it was one of the most wonderful and exciting things to ever see. 
Child birth and pregnancy has always amazed me it is just one of those things that truly is a miracle in the making.
I would recommended pregnancy to anyone it has truly been a unique experience and I still have 20 more weeks to go.  



Next step is to pick out a name..I hope it is not as hard as I am thinking it is going to be. It is kinda a big responsibility...You have to make sure you don't give them a name that makes them get picked on...or one that they grow up wishing they didn't have...But we have a little time I already have my list of favorites now all I have to do it get Damon to make his...Wish me Luck!!